The snail farm

At Lannecaube, the snail farm proposes the discovery of the life of a snail, with a guided tour of the snail parks, explanations on the reproduction, the breeding, the transformation…


Approximately 7 months are necessary so that this horned animal becomes an adult. Of April, when they are installed in parks, in October, when they put themselves in hibernation. They are fed by the (home-made) cornstarch with the soya as well as with the carbonate of calcium, this last necessary ingredient for the solidity of the shell.


Opening: from the end of April to the end of September, by appointment.


Direct sales of snails and chickens year round.


Prices: 3€ per person.


Contact : Brigitte & Francis ROUTIS

1 chemin Soubirou 64350 LANNECAUBE

Phone: + 33 (0)5 59 68 20 59

@: - Website: