Swimming pools


Swimming pool

Outdoor swimming pool, with a view of the hillsides.

Opening: In July and August, from Tuesday to Sunday, 15:00 - 20:00.

Prices:  - 0/3 yrs: free

                - 3/12 yrs: 2€

                - + 12 yrs: 3€

                - card 1 month: 30€

                - card 2 months: 50€



Contact: Communauté de commues du Nord Est Béarn

Phone: +33 (0)5 59 33 46 10 - @: contact@cc-nordestbearn.fr

Swimming pool of Arrosès (Vic-Bilh)


Swimming pool

Outdoor swimming pool. Swimming lessons and aqua gym.

Accessible to persons with reduced mobility.

Opening: July/August, from Tuesday to Sunday.

Contact: Communauté de communes des Luys en Béarn

Phone: +33 (0)5 59 33 72 34.

@: contact@cclb64.fr - Website: www.cclb64.fr

Swimming pool of Garlin (Vic-Bilh)